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"470 Years in 135 Seconds: A Movie of the Ancient Mediterranean World"

470 Years in 135 Seconds is a collection of electronic maps showing the ebb and flow of civilizations in the Ancient Mediterranean World, including the Persians, Carthaginians, Greek City-States, Romans, Delians, Peloponnesians, Thebians, Macedonians, Antigonids, Seleucids, Ptolemies, Pontics, and many others.

This Powerpoint presentation is both automated for movie-like viewing and clearly suitable for single slide viewing. Each empire and civilization has a different color which expands and shrinks on the same map according to the events of its history. Each slide displays the major battles, troop movements, and military events in 5 year increments. This single CD collection covers the entire span of the Roman Republic, from 500BC to 30BC.

What is on the CD:
  • 94 map slides showing 94 different maps of the Mediterranean world in 5 year increments from 500 BC to 30 BC.
  • A tutorial slide which explains how to use and view the presentation (you must have Powepoint software to view)
  • Automated and single slide viewing including a "ticker" or "crawl" display of at least two major events and dates during the 5 year time period.
  • Timeline and index: Listing of all 163 major events included in the slideshow. (Microsoft Word)
  • Bibliography: Listing all the 191 sources that were used in research for "470 Years in 135seconds" (Microsoft Word)
  • A text file, "readme", that explains how to use the CD and legal information.

Teachers, scholars, and buffs alike will find "470 years in 135 seconds" valuable and useful as an overview, a teaching aide, text, or reference tool for part or all of the Mediterranean World from 500BC to 30BC. And, it is fun and engaging for students and fans of history to see 470 years of history scroll by in 135 seconds.

Remember, the actual powerpoint will display historical events in motion. In other words, the invasion and battle action will be animated during automated play. You will see the rise and fall of nations, city-states, cultures and civilizations. You can have this concise, informative, exciting, and innovative CD for only $20. If you are interested, email me at

Customer Comments:
"I enjoyed the disc, expecially the manually controlled Visual Timeline" - Dan Ponce (history buff)

Copyright © 2005 George Hageman. All rights reserved.
This item is not intended for resale.